Tag Archives: dahlias

Dahlias, nutrition & some favorites

This month the last of the blooming dahlias will slowly wilt. I will miss them. Their lush bouquets frequent our home and gardens for months. They bring the bees. They are beautiful. I rest assured of their return because their tubers multiply every year, so once a dahlia gardener, ALWAYS a dahlia gardener!








I’ve been reading up on politics, tis the season. My sister is part of a PAC and she often forwards me  very thought provoking political information.  I am grateful for her input because I do not seek out political articles that often . WHOA, after reading this  well…if you get through it I am curious what you think…

On a much lighter note, a helpful one at that. I just did my  monthly Vitacost order.  Vitacost offers HUGE savings on high quality shampoos, supplements and SO MUCH MORE.  If you don’t know, now you  know…

Eyeing some stylie new shoes for this fall.

I love this blog, but this page is so helpful when trying to figure out how to build a pantry.

So excited about this free performance in downtown Portland, I have a very special friend performing.

Tomorrow I am celebrating Oregon’s ‘Health & Safety’ month with a local elementary school by presenting 4 workshops to 520 (!) children. Here is to creating positive preventative habits & a great attitude about whole foods!


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