Tag Archives: vegetables

Ode to the steamer

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I love my steamer. It gets more use than most tools in my kitchen. For the most part, I like quick & nutritious outcomes for my meals, so the steamer really suits my mission.

Steaming uses just a bit of water (usually about 1-2 inches), it is gentle on the veggies, many nutrients and texture remain intact. The vibrant, bright colors that result from steaming, keep me coming back to this process almost everyday. How can you deny roots & tubers being ready to eat in under 10 minutes!?

Here is a simple, healthy recipe that showcases both steamed & raw roots, seeds and herbs.

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1 medium golden beet, chopped

1 medium fennel bulb, shaved or cut very thinly

2 small leeks or 1 medium leek ( cut into coins up to the green part)

handful of fresh basil, ribboned

1/4 cup sunflower seeds (lightly toasted in your toaster oven)

1 T coconut oil, melted

pinch of salt & pepper to taste

Steam beets and leeks for 6-8 minutes. Meanwhile toast sunflower seeds (keep your eye on them), ribbon basil and shave fennel, transfer all into serving bowl. Once beets & leeks are done toss, transfer them into serving bowl, put the dollop of coconut oil on them and toss with salt & pepper. This is a great lunch for one or side dish.

When steaming more than one thing you can easily stagger start times. Such as if you are going to steam sweet potatoes and broccoli, just start with the sweet potatoes, chop & steam for about 5 minutes, then add the broccoli  for the last 2 minutes, transfer to a bowl and toss with a simple dressing for lunch or nut milk & cinnamon for a quick & healthy breakfast.


It is not to late to do a spring cleanse with Seed to Health. Here is a quote from a recent cleanser:

“Thank you so much! I am just so grateful to you- I haven’t felt so grounded and radiant in a while. Such a noticable difference how clean eating and honoring of our physical body temple makes. And such an accessible thing. Loved your recipes!! Your cleanse really made me realize how accesible it is to feel good and treat ourselves well. It doesn’t have to be a drastic unreachable goal, as I’ve often made the concept of cleansing and healthy eating in the past.”



Summer Clean Eats=DETOX time



Feeling like you could use a RESET this summer?

Are vacations, festivals and BBQs inspiring you to booze it up and over/under eat?

Need a quick reintroduction to all the bounty that summer time offers?


Summer Clean Eats offers you a chance to clean up your diet & dial in some healthy eating habits! This clean eating opportunity is really easy & affordable to do…The package  includes a menu for five days, with snack options, recipes and a shopping list. All organized into a nice little PDF packet with an informative introduction.

You will eat plenty of food. This is by no means a time to deprive yourself.  Nutrient dense fruits, veggies and herbs are the showcase, they really work the magic. You can even eat meat, if that is a staple in your current diet.

Seriously, you will want to bring these dishes to BBQs and share with your loved ones & friends!


Now is the time!!

This little gem of a plan is a great tool to have on deck post vacation or festival.

Get Summer Clean Eatsnow through the end of the month.


Buy it THIS week & you get a bonus health consultation following the detox.

JUST $35 >>> send  a quick registration confirmation to>>> seedtohealth@gmail.com

THEN Summer Clean Eats is ALL YOURs ( to use when ever you would like)